Hon. Sergio Chiamparino visited Seica S.p.A. Head Office spending some time with the Proprietors and employees of the Company.
In the context of a visit in Canavese, between production environments and public sector Agencies, Sergio Chiamparino dedicated a moment to meet Seica at Strambino office. As can be seen in the images, Mr. Chiamparino was accompanied by the Proprietors Ms. Barbara Duvall and Mr. Antonio Grassino, as well as by some of the Managers, in a tour of the Company where the manufacturing departments, the R&D Department, as well as the disions specialized in following strategic industries like defense, transportation and automotive. During this tour, it was possible to exchange opinion concerning the current economic situation, both at national and global level comparing the issues and excellency of Italian SME which, like Seica, are able to grow and maintain a relevant role in their global manufacturing industry of operation.